- You Are Subversion!
What Naughty My Little Pony Are You?
I generally don't post quizzes on here, but I couldn't resist today. I have been obsessed with My Little Ponies since childhood, and own a collection of about 300. I have also been trying to think of a good way to get a MLP tattoo that would still reflect me. I think I just found her.
- Ahhh...the weekend. A time to sleep, post on my blog, and find good porn. Not necessarily in that order, of course.
Sadly, my weekend and His don't normally coincide, so they aren't quite as enjoyable as they used to be, but even without his extra attention, life is still good.
As I sat down to write this post, I was teeming with ideas, things I wanted to talk about, girls, boys, words (does comfortable really have 4 syllables? Or have we cut it down to 3? Say it...) but I keep getting distracted by my turtle, Nubbin, who has decided that she wants to climb out of her tank (right beside me) and come see what I'm doing. Nothing takes the mind off of sex like reptiles. Well, for me at least. *smiles*
I suppose I should leave you with something to tide you over, so here's a cute link from Slave Sluts via Bondage Blog.
For those of you more interested in interactive fun, try Shokushu High School
- I apologize for the break, it has been hard to find time to post. Not much to post about either, just stopped by to make sure nothing was wrong.
I have found some interesting people at my new job, a very sweet lesbian who was only there for a week, but managed to make the hours fly by with a wonderful sense of humor nicely balanced with a love of a good raunchy tale. As far as I know I was the only bi girl there that she ferreted out, but I am beginning to wonder about another woman...a very cute redhead who hangs around to talk with me after her shift is over, and always pauses before she says bye, as if she is expecting something. I can't tell whether she is just shy and awkward (like me) or if it is something else. He says I should hit on her, and that I'm missing it when she hits on me, but I don't know. I'm too shy to say anything obvious, and not at all smooth at hitting on girls under normal, everyday circumstances (haven't we done this before?). Men are so easy to read and catch, but with women, it's so much harder, because you can't even assume that they are interested in your sex, much less you! He doesn't understand that, having never experienced it. Men!
Anyone with hints on how to feel a girl out, please leave a message. But, help or not, I'm on my way to bumbling through it. Wish me luck.
I have also had the luck to work with a very nice man, one of those tall, shy guys who are so nice and sweet, tripping over themselves around a woman, even though they themselves are insanely attractive and have every right to be arrogant about it. Definitely my favorite type of man, guaranteed to never make an ass out of themselves by talking about your "ass and tits". Manners, the lost art.
I had to leave the best for last. If He wasn't already firmly in my life, I would be quite tempted by a man nearly 5 years younger than me, one not quite in control of his love life yet, one who has no problem complimenting a woman without using the afore mentioned "tits/ass", one that loves a conversation about tattoos and piercings, but gets flustered and has to walk away when "south of the border" work is mentioned. Quite a handsome man, whose idea of a cold shower is lifting weights. I'll let you imagine what he looks like. Thankfully for me, he is a self-proclaimed science nerd, and quite used to being single (though god knows why). He is quite good at being purely platonic friends with a girl without letting the sexual tension get out of hand. I had forgotten how much fun it is to have a guy friend that you can tease about sex and porn and such.
All in all, life is quite busy. I will attempt to type up some stuff that has been floating around in my head soon.